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Rise Above Mural for Positive Mental Health


Thanks to a grant from Central Kansas Partnership, the Barton Arts Movement launched their next #BAM project. This will be

a series of three different murals in Hoisington, Ellinwood and Claflin. All themed around resilience and positive mental health. The series is called "Rise Above."

Each art installation will take a different spin on the message, while still conveying a message of positivity. BAM hopes these murals will serve as a reminder that we're all in this together. Nothing is insurmountable if neighbors continue supporting neighbors and help to connect those who are struggling with the resources and encouragement they need to overcome adversity.

Hoisington's project will feature a colorful set of balloons at 115 N. Main Street on the side of Mitchell's Wood Furniture and More next to the First Kansas Bank green space.

Ellinwood's project will feature a set of eagle's wings at 16 N. Main Street on the side of Jensen Associates Inc. Insurance Agency.

Claflin's project is still being finalized, but will have a unique interpretation on the Rise Above theme located on the side of the Independent Township Library at 108 Main Street.

All three murals are being painted by Mindy's Murals out of Junction City. Mindy started Tuesday, Oct. 26 in Hoisington and will make her way around to the other communities after that.



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