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Proud Parents



Supporting breastfeeding today for a healthier Kansas tomorrow.


This task force provides breastfeeding resource information and education to community members and healthcare providers and promotes breastfeeding policies and lactation areas at work sites for mothers returning to work.


The Kansas Breastfeeding Coalition, Inc. (KBC) is comprised of individuals from a wide variety of organizations, agencies, and private businesses all working collaboratively to promote and protect breastfeeding in order to improve the health of Kansas families. The KBC welcomes and encourages participation from anyone who is interested in breastfeeding advocacy in Kansas.


This campaign aims to encourage more women to breastfeed their babies and for a longer duration by assisting our communities to become more friendly toward breastfeeding families.  

Breastfeeding Coalition Logo.png
Take the pledge!  This group meets regularly via teleconference. Get more information by calling Bev at (620) 793-1902.
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